Here are 4 steps to successfully grow your cleaning business in 2024. If you struggle with your business and everything seems so hard and you never make enough to survive?
Keep reading because in this blog I will lay out 4 simple moves that can skyrocket your cleaning business in 2024.
Make 2024 your business year, and set your goal to thrive not to drag. But just to let you know, business is hard and no one will hand a lot of money to you.
You will need to become the person who can attract money, money is spiritual and to gain momentum and make the amount of money you have been dreaming of, you have to train yourself, become an entrepreneur, and understand how money works.
Get this book Boss Move and with only four moves found in this book, you will scale your business exponentially. Get it while it is still available.
Most cleaning business owners are suffering right now because they don’t know how to get the clients who are looking for their service.
However, if you follow these steps, you will see a change in your business. But remember everything comes with a price, it might require some investments to make these 4 steps work in your favor.
If you are really serious about sales, business growth etc, I will recommend you some books, check them out and you will think me late
- BOSS move, mistakes most entrepreneurs make that stop them from scaling their business exponentially. Learn these business optimization technics and your cleaning business take off in no time.
- From the trash man to the cash man, don’t read this book might cost you more than what you are making right now.
4 steps to successfully grow your cleaning business
Here are the 4 steps to create a successful business in 2024, and make more money than your full-time job.
After you have learned these 4 steps, you can just sit and see your business skyrocket, however, this will require effort from the beginning.
The internet doesn’t favor anyone, you will get results based on the amount of effort you are putting out there. If you work hard enough, you will succeed. It is not a matter of if but it’s when.
Now, to benefit from these steps, you will need to focus and study, even some of these steps are free to use but your effort is what going to make them work for your cleaning business.
Here are the steps to successfully grow your cleaning business
1. Having a social presence
It is really important to have a social media presence when starting your cleaning business or any business.
Your audience will follow you on your page, interact with you, and asking question regrading your services and your price.
Most entrepreneur don’t really understand the purpose of social media, they think by creating a Facebook page, instagram or YouTube automatically customers will come to them.
But in reality, this is not how it works, the real purpose of social media is to entertain your audience. Give them as much information as necessary and when you present them an offer, it will be easier for them to accept your offer.
Talking about what you do is ok, but find way to make your audience want to come to your page just to watch your content is the real purpose of social media.
Dr. Myles Monroe says in one of his sermons “Be valuable to the world and they will you to be you”
Give your audience information about your services, educate them and if they want that service they will come to you.
What media is best for cleaning business
You will need to be on all the free platforms, like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and even TikTok is a young people’s platform but nowadays a day a lot of ground-up people are using it as well
Billion of people are using social media every day and what if you can have 2% of all these people to bay your cleaning service?
Everybody would want that, but no one is willing to put in the work.
2. Get cleaning leads for your business from Google
Google is one of the largest search engines in the world, everyone who own a phone or a computer use google.
There are a few way to get leads for your cleaning business, either you paid google to send you leads or use free traffic strategy to get leads.
Whether you paid or using free strategy to get leads, both method works very well and a lot of people are making millions using them.
I personally use both but there is a big difference between them. Using google is guaranteed results.
Get leads from google
a) Set up your Google My Business
You will need to set up GMB which stands for Google My Business, and put your business on Google Maps.

When someone in you city who’s looking for a cleaning service types on google “cleaning professional near me” you want your company to show up on the 6 packs(six packs is the 6first result when searching for something on Google)
Everyone dreams of seeing their company show up on the first page of Google.
b) Have strong campaign
Having a strong campaign could be free traffic or paid traffic either way a strong campaign can help you measure the amount and the quality of leads you are getting.
Free traffic always require more strategy and time, since google don’t make money when you are using a free traffic campaign, the don’t really push it and it my take 6 to 9 months before your contents can show on google.
And this is depend on how good you are at creating contents, if you are a beginner then it might take forever or never.
c) Create a strong Ad Campaign
If you want to grow faster, an ad campaign is the way to go. In a matter of days you can be on the top of Google search and start getting quality leads for your cleaning business.
Depending on budget and how good you are at selling your service or turning leads to customers, in no time you can start making sales and grow or benefit from your ad campaign.
3. Do a great job
Do a great job and customers will refer you to their friends and family to you.
Remember the person who acquires your service, is expecting you as a professional to deliver what you promise.
You have to do whatever it takes to satisfy the customer and meet their expectations. If not you will service this client once and never again.
Businesses make money on recurring customers, especially if you have a service-based business . Like a cleaning company, the recurring clients that what give the business value.
Let’s say you want to sell your cleaning business, the first thing they will check is, how many paying clients you have. How many clients are sending you money every month.
The only way to grow your cleaning business is to get as many leads as possible and after converting these leads, and then do a great job.
4. Create a system for you cleaning business
Most cleaning businesses never thought about that but if anyone wants to succeed, great massive success you need a system.
What is a system? A system allows the business without the owner’s involvement and too much effort of the owner.
Businesses without a system is limited, because with one or two person there’s not much you can do.
I read that in “Great CEO Are Lazy Book” With a system in your business, you just call anybody or hire anyone and let them run the business, it doesn’t matter there age, as soon as they follow the system it will work every time.
Examples of businesses with a system:
- MCdonald
- Subway
- Starbucks
- Chick Filet
- QFCs etc
When you go to these franchises, what do you see? A Buch of high school and college kids running a million sometimes a billion dollars franchise.
How in the world does someone let a kid running a million dollars business? This sound like ridiculous but it is not, because system work everywhere and anywhere.
It doesn’t matter who runs it, it will work all the time.
This is what this step is the most important steps in growing you business. Since the beginning stage of your business create a system and put others in charge to manage the business for you.
When having a system you can be in Italy on vacation and the business is generating more income then when you where running it.
And the other fun part you can either sell the business or pass it on from generation to generation.
I will finish this blog with a great story, the Walmart greeting system “Sam Walton”.
In 1980 when visiting a Walmart in Crowley, Louisiana As he walked into the store on one of his many visit to Walmart locations, he was was surprised to be met by an elderly man who said.
“Hi! How are you? Glad you’re here. If there is anything I can tell you about our store, just let me know”
When Sam asked the store manager, Dan McAllister at that time, about this, he discovered that McAllister’s store had experienced a shoplifting problem.
Rather than offend the 99% of his customers who were honest by posting an intimidating guard to check bags at the exit, MCAllister had decided to place a friendly looking older man out front to put shoplifters on notice that someone was going to be watching as they left the store.
With a friendly word of greeting to people as they entered the store, his customers love it and shoplifting went down.
Sam Thought that was the greatest idea he’d ever heard of, he went right back to Benton Ville and told everyone we have to put a greater at the front of every store.
Since then, every Walmart has had the same system and it works all the time
Click here to Learn how to use these steps here and grow a successful cleaning company.
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