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Unveiling the Ultimate Principle for a Life-Changing Cleaning Business in 2024

You're missing out if you have not been implementing these key principles in your cleaning business.

The key principle to create a successful cleaning business that changes the course of your life, and Unveiling the Ultimate Principle for a Life-Changing Cleaning Business in 2024"

Creating a successful cleaning business is to start with a positive mindset, but if you ask, where this mindset will come from?

How do I get the best idea or how do I know if the idea is good or bad? What if I made the same mistakes that everyone else made and failed?

That can be happening at this exact time you are reading this blog, if you have a million thoughts going through your head.

But hand on, I won't promise you that everything will change instantly but if you want after reading this blog, you can start fresh with new sets of ideas and principles that will change your life forever.

Principle for a Life-Changing Cleaning Business in 2024

In this blog, we will analyze together some principles for a life-changing business, and what to do to overcome any challenge and strive in this new year.

I use cleaning as an example because it is the lowest start-up cost business that someone can start and be successful in less than 2 years.

You will understand the current landscaping of the cleaning industry and explore the current trends and dynamics that will shape the cleaning industry.

Learn about some eco-friendly techniques and marketing strategies that will boost your business in no time.

Also learn some advanced technic that will help you get more leads, convert them into customers, and exceed their expectations.

Understand the concept of a customer-centric approach in the context of a cleaning business and discuss the importance of understanding and meeting the unique needs of customers

Principle for a life-changing cleaning business

Who am I what do I do and what is my background?

In this paragraph, I will talk bout some principles that can change your life and help you start a cleaning business, janitorial services, or any business that will change your life forever.

My name is Stanley Cameau CEO of Roenter Clean LLC, and I can consider myself as well as a content creator as well.

In 2020 I had an experience that changed my life forever, I used to call it a mistake before, but sometimes your mistake can become your best experience or the biggest lesson that you can learn.

Once, I read in a book and quote "A wise man learned from others mistakes but not from theirs" It wasn't the case for me.

I did not have enough knowledge to know that I had to find someone that already created the path and followed his steps, but I made my own experience and I want you to learn from it and not make the same mistake.

I started a business in 2020, since I was a kid I knew I was going to do business but I didn't know what kind of business.

I was just laid off from my job and looking for an opportunity. One morning I was sitting in my bathroom, scrolling on Facebook and I saw an ad, It says that you can make money on the internet.

And I didn't know at that time how marketing worked and that guy said that could learn for free so I signed up. The free turned to $49 and I went I spent a lot of money buying real estate wholesaling courses, and another program that I didn't see any results from and I decided this time I would do whatever it took to succeed and I wouldn't let money stop me even I was broke like a dog.

I signed up for and started with the program, it was a completely new language for me and that made it harder for me because I didn't speak English fluently, and reading books was not really my friend, since I was a boy I never read a book except textbooks from my school.

I suck at everything, and I was learning the different internet languages, I was learning about blogging, vlogging, content marketing, affiliate marketing, PPC ads, website how to create youtube videos, etc.

I was amazed but I was sucks at all of them. Because before, I never heard about these things. At some point, I almost quit, and they gave me a business coach at that time and I didn't know even how to follow his order.

He told me I had to promote myself, but I didn't know what was that, He said I had to do videos, I'm an Introvert I never do videos before and I kept lying to him, until one day I said to myself, I paid all these money and said nothing can stop me, I will not let been an introvert stop me, I won't let fear stop me, I won't let what people think about me stop me.

I started making some 1 or 2-minute videos, and when I listened to the videos, I hated everything about myself. I hated the tone of my voice, I hated the way I talked, I hated my accent, and I was talking so slow, it took me 2 minutes to say 2 horrible phrases.

And when I started working on myself, I started doing more videos, I started filling in the blank, removing all the "Humm, or, hun, and" when I'm speaking.

I started watching videos about how to make videos and also personal development videos, at that time I didn't the term personal development and I started listening to audiobooks, podcasts, and motivational videos as well.

After a couple of weeks and a month, I started doing a few videos and posting them on social media and YouTube.

The worst mistake I made was when I set up a campaign and started running ads, I didn't know about funnel either. But using a funnel that was not converted, and when my coach kept telling me I had to test my funnel, I didn't how to do that until I spent $40k in ads and didn't make even half of that.

I built an email list with a wrong targeted audience of more than 10,000 subscribers that I didn't know how to convert into customers until it became too expensive for me to handle and I canceled everything and started from nothing again.

Having a positive mindset

I knew from day one that I was going to be successful but I didn't know how. I always have a positive mindset I don't complain a lot, I don't watch negative stuff, I don't do politics, I don't watch news.

My mind is always set up for success but, how do I work what I have in my mind to create the success that I need?

Success is not about how much you learn from school, what kind of degree you have, or how many books you read. It is about the amount of effort you put in, and how hard you work.

Knowing something and not working in the field is a mistake. You have to be out there making mistakes and learning the how-to's and learning the best way to make what you are doing profitable, will not make you successful.

Because knowledge without using means nothing " knowledge without work means nothing and working harder without the knowledge also creates poverty. That is why most people are broke.

A lot of people who have a lot of knowledge and are not doing the required work are broke right now and there are a lot of people who are working hard without the knowledge and they are broke as well.

Pairing knowledge with hard work will bring the results that you are looking for. Those who are setup themself for success, have a positive mindset, their mind is focused on the outcome without even knowing the route to go get it.

But since they have a positive mindset and do not worry about what others think about them, they work and cut off all distractions and noises until one day success shows up on their doorstep.

Unveiling the Ultimate Principle for a Life-Changing Cleaning Business

I spent 3 years trying to succeed in my marketing business and had no success. Until I started thinking about an alternate route. I took a class about government contracting and realized that I needed a product or a service to sell, and I took at least 6 months to realize that there was something I could do, which was cleaning.

I got home at 2 am from work and my home's fresh smell and cleanliness welcomed me with a fresh idea. I went like, if my wife is that good at cleaning houses and I have knowledge in commercial cleaning maybe we need to start a cleaning business.

In the morning, I told my wife, what do you think if we start a cleaning business? and she welcomed the idea and we started making plans to start.

Now the secret is how you approach the system because let me tell you before we started the business we didn't know how many cleaning businesses had in our neighborhood.

After a few weeks of research, we realize it's like everyone is doing it. But what makes us stand out is that I have marketing skills, and I have learned a lot from my first business.

A cleaning business is not different from any other business, not only do you need a business plan also you need a marketing budget to start.

Leads are The first principle of cleaning business

Leads are the lifeblood of any business, with no leads no customers with no customers no money.

There are a lot of ways to generate leads for your business, and depending on your budget and knowledge of lead generation you can quickly generate as many leads possible in a month.

Diferent way to to generate leads

There are a lot of ways to generate leads in your business, and most people talks more about 2 of them because agency owners use them to build their business successfully

  1. Organic traffic
  2. Paid traffic

Organic traffics

This method is by most businesses owner that are low in fond, people who starting their business but does not have a lot of money to invest.

Organic traffic is one of the most important and effective way to generate quality leads. What is considere organic traffic and how do you generate them.

Free traffic or organic traffic is traffic generated without invested any money, which mean free. Except it is not really free because it takes time to generate and requires a lot of effort.

No money invested but require a lot of time, this is why I rather call it organic traffic not free because there nothing free in the world.

How are organic leads generated?

When someone getting leads from facebook, youtube, google, Bing, tiktok, Instagram etc. These leads most of the time are filtered and it is only people that show interest in your product or want to learn more about your services.

These leads are easy to convert because they are already showing interest, by watching your content (Posts, videos, etc)

What do you need to generate organic leads?

Social media platforms and SEO are the way to generate traffic organically from the internet. You will need to create your social media presence, which means create accounts on all social media platforms, like facebook, tiktok, instagram, youtube etc.

And also create a website and a Google business profile for your cleaning business. After having your Account ready, you will need to post consistently to build your audience, send them to your offer and convert them into customers.

The process is not that easy as I write down, this need to use the right strategy and technic, and for that it will require some knowledge to do that, but how do you get these knowledge?

If your start asking this question, that's good because the answer is definitly not youtube or facebook videos. You will need to take some specific marketing class that will tecah you exactly how to do all that.

I have a free ebook that you can download and learn more about marketing and skip 10000s of hours on YouTube learning free stuff, in less than 6 months you can be an expert in marketing learning not only organic and paid traffic but also other traffic sources that if I have time I will talk in this blog.

Watch this short video and download this book here.

Paid traffic

Paid traffic always refers to Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, TikTok ads, and YouTube ads. I can say any platform that someone can pay money to bring them leads, either you running your ads or paying a leads-generating company like Thumbtack, Angy List, bark, or any other website out there.

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